Alisea is the N.1 company in Italy in the air system hygiene market

A team of professionals with a single purpose: to protect the health and safety of its customers, allowing them to live and work in healthy environments. Since our foundation we have only dealt with the hygiene of air handling systems. We have never chosen to deal with anything else and this narrow focus has allowed us to become the N.1 in Italy.

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contatti alisea storia
Customers Satisfied
alisea storia e contatti
Managed plants
chi siamo team alisea
NADCA ASCS technicians
chi siamo azienda alisea
NADCA CVI technicians
sanificazione chi siamo alisea
Countries Served
academy formazione aeraulca

The continuous training system that has made our team unique in Europe

Our system is based on the continuous training of staff, structured in a multi-year course of theoretical-practical studies, carried out both in the classroom and in our exclusive Alisea Training Center, where all those systems are installed that our technicians then face in the everyday activities.

Over the years we have given life to a training course, a real Master in Aeraulic Hygiene, articulated on six increasing levels of professionalism, achievable in a minimum period of five years.

The pillars of our working method are continuous training and technological innovation,
that we have always pursued to continue solving critical issues and to overcome new challenges.

alisea impianti aeraulici


bollino il salvagente

Zero Truffe Il Salvagente Certificate

Our job is 100% guaranteed, as evidenced by the checks conducted by Il Salvagente. To achieve the “Zero Truffe” Certification a sample check was carried out among our client companies, to prove the effective implementation of the control procedures and the drafting of the Aeraulic Risk Assessment Document (DVR).

As part of the verification, the professionalism of the technicians of our Team and the truthfulness of the testimonials drawn up by the client companies.

Andrea Casa
Alisea President
and Founder

Dr. Andrea Casa is a jurist who has also dedicated himself to the study of aeraulic hygiene for more than twenty years. Author of various articles and publications on the subject, he is considered the leading Italian expert in the field of aeraulic hygiene on legal issues deriving from the contamination of air systems and for more than a decade has provided consultancy services on the subject and holds training courses for public and private entities.

He was a founding member of the Italian Association of Aeraulic Systems Hygienists (AIISA), of which he held the position of President for two terms.

He was also the first European member to be admitted to the Board of Directors of NADCA, the most important and prestigious association in the world on the issues of hygiene in air handling systems.
Currently in NADCA he also chairs the International Affairs Committee.

Our team is at your disposal. Contact us for more information about our activities or our history.

The Legal Protection of Alisea

Our Guaranteed Method stands out above all for its legal protection. The regulations in force require a correct hygienic management of the air treatment systems. Disregarding them can create serious legal problems. With Alisea you are sure to respect them all, today and tomorrow. It is our specialization.

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alisea qualità aria


Alisea è socia fondatrice di AIISA (Associazione Italiana Igienisti dei Sistemi Aeraulici).

nadca alisea


Alisea è stata la prima azienda italiana ad essere ammessa alla prestigiosa associazione statunitense NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association)

certificazione alisea


Alisea S.r.l. ha ottenuto la certificazione integrata di qualità ambientale
ISO 9001:2015 – ISO 14001:2015 – ISO 45001:2018

alisea italia


 IQC ha sottoposto a qualificazione le aziende del settore, disposte a verificare quanto le loro procedure, dinamiche interne e risultati rispecchiassero il Protocollo AIISA validato da ANMDO.

alisea qualità aria


Quality is knowledge Alisea is a founding member of AIISA (the Italian Association of Aeraulic Systems Hygienists)

nadca alisea


Alisea was the first Italian company to get into the renowned American association NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association)

certificazione alisea


Alisea achieved the integrated certification of environmental quality ISO 9001:2008 – ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007.

alisea italia


IQC examined the companies of the sector which agreed to investigate whether their procedures, internal
dynamics and results matched the AIISA Protocol (verified by ANMDO).